Gem Guardian

Gem Guardian

A fantasy NFT style play to earn card game where fantasy meets reality game play
Play Game Play Game Play Game


Marketplace will offer players a chance to buy and sell their Guardians and Dragons. All nfts are categorized as Guardian, Dragon, Element, and Rarity. There is 6 elements; rare, fire, earth, wood, ice, and steel. There are 3 guardians; sir bors de ganis, dagonet, and anrca. Also 4 types of dragons; longwei, khalessi, wyvren, and scylla.

Loot Box

Spend Gemg and Gpay tokens and get a mystery boxes that contains a Guardian or Dragon. For those that are extremely lucky, they might run into Super Rare NFTs.

Staking Pool

For player that want to increase their Gemg holdings even when theyre not actively playing. We offer a high APY staking pool for Gemg tokens both earned and bought from exchanges.


Decendant of Narca that lived in 5 separate continents. Due to the mystical powers of the decendent, different terrain, and climate. They evolved into beings of 5 elements; fire, ice, earth, metal, and wood.


17 Gem was dispersed into Ormocdania that sealed parts of Demca’s soul. 3 in land of fire, 3 in land of Ice , 3 in land of Earth, 4 in land of metal, and 4 in land of Woods. All the gems are capable of summoning a part of Demca’s soul that manifest into a form of a Dragon.



Token Details

2.5% Seed Sales

8.5% Private Sales

3.5% Public Sales

10% Team

30% Game Reserves

20.5% Staking Rewards and Burns

10% Marketing, Development, Airdrop

10% Company Reserves

5% Advisor



Our Team


Phase 1

> Game Fully Platform Designed: Beta

> Launch of Social Media Accounts

> 1 Launch of NFT Marketplace V1

> Audit Smart Contracts

> Airdrop

> Seed Sale

Phase 2

> Launch of NFTAuction

> Launch of AMA

> Lottery & Loot Boxes

> Public Sales

> Pancake Swap Listing

Phase 3

> CoinMarketCap & CoinGecko Listing

> 2 Launch of NFT Marketplace V2

> CEX Listing

> Game APP Fully Playable: Alpha

> Live P2P Trading

> Live P2P Battles

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